Revolution Payments, leading advocate and Level 3 credit card processing consultant serving the B2B & B2G payment space.

Revolution Payments is leading advocate and Level 3 credit card processing consultant serving the B2B & B2G payment space. We are a full service payment provider for Business-to-Government (B2G) &  Business-to-Business(B2B) companies that require a provider able to support the qualifications required for Level-2 & Level-3 credit card processing Interchange rates At Revolution Payments, we do…

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Reclassify your B2B and B2G credit card transactions to level 3 interchange rates

Level 3 credit card processing can lower your cost of accepting B2B and B2G credit card transactions by 40%.  Level 3 processing passes additional information about a transaction (line item detail) to the processor. Information you would generally seen on an invoice that is processed along with a transaction. Revolution Payments can automatically reclassify your…

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