Automatically Upgrade All Credit Card Orders to Level 3 Interchange Rates … and Boost Your Bottom Line by Thousands of Dollars a Year!

Reduces credit card processing fees by 1% to 1.5% on every B2B or B2G transaction effortlessly.

[Lower Your Credit Card Processing Fees NOW!]


If you are a merchant who sells to business and government customers, the Revolution Payments Gateway can quickly and easily lower your credit card processing costs by 1.0% to 1.5% on every transaction — saving you many thousands of dollars a year.


A “payment gateway” that automatically slashes transaction processing fees

Visa and MasterCard use “interchange fees” to determine how much you pay an issuing bank each time you accept a credit card order.There are 3 levels of interchange fees — with Level 1 having the highest rates and Level 3 having the lowest.


Our revolutionary technology automatically attaches details to each transaction, so that every credit card order is upgraded to Level 3 interchange rates. It works whether the transaction was processed online — or entered manually on your PC or mobile.


Saved $40,800 in one year

Savings vary with the merchant and transaction size. In one case, the Visa P-Card interchange rate for $400,000 in sales was 2.65% — almost $11,000.


The Revolution Payments Gateway automatically added Level 3 data, reducing interchange to 1.85% and saving $3,400 in processing costs.

Multiply that 12 months-This client saved $40,800 in merchant account fees


The case against “do it yourself”


You could try to manually add the necessary Level 3 details to each credit card order you accept. But doing it by hand is complex, time-consuming, and error-prone, given there are over 400 different interchange rates.


The Revolution Payments Gateway takes all the work and complexity out of upgrading to Level 3 processing. You do nothing except bank the savings!

A true revolution in slashing interchange processing fees


The proprietary Revolution Payments Gateway automates the Level 3 updating of credit card payments – making the complex incredibly simple, with virtually 100% accuracy.


There’s no programming. Nothing for your employees to do. No hidden fees.


Best of all, approval and set-up are quick and easy. Customer service and support are unduplicated in the industry.


Take the next step – FREE!


To lower your B2B and B2G credit card processing costs up to 1.5% per transaction, call me (Sean Jones) at 844 795 0433. Or visit the URL below for more information and a free rate quote:


[Lower Your Credit Card Processing Fees NOW!]